
Parish Flocknote News

September 30, 2022 - 10:27am
Closed groups do not publish RSS feeds.
September 30, 2022 - 7:00am
Adoration will resume on Monday, October 3rd following the 8:00am mass.
September 29, 2022 - 10:00am
Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 2nd | 9:15am Church Lawn "All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures."  -  St. Francis, Canticle of the Creatures
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Deacon Lawrence Klimecki

The Poet and the Hound of Heaven

January 28, 2018

Francis Thompson was a poet, a mystic, and a devout Catholic. At one point early in his life he began studies to enter the...Read more

Answering the Question to Life, the Universe, and Everything

January 14, 2018

What is the meaning of life?

“The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” is a satirical Science fiction novel by the late Douglas Adams....Read more

The Magi, and The Extraordinary Hiding in the Ordinary

January 7, 2018

The Magi, the mysterious gift bringers of the Gospel according to Matthew, have long captivated the public imagination. Who were they? Were they kings?...Read more

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