
Parish Flocknote News

September 30, 2022 - 10:27am
Closed groups do not publish RSS feeds.
September 30, 2022 - 7:00am
Adoration will resume on Monday, October 3rd following the 8:00am mass.
September 29, 2022 - 10:00am
Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 2nd | 9:15am Church Lawn "All praise to you, Oh Lord, for all these brother and sister creatures."  -  St. Francis, Canticle of the Creatures
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Deacon Lawrence Klimecki

The Evangelization of Korea

May 14, 2017

As Christians we are called to evangelization. We have been given the mission to spread the Gospel, the good news of salvation through...Read more

Pilgrims i n a Foreign Land

April 30, 2017

Sometime in the late 4th century, around the year A.D. 380, a “woman of means” went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land....Read more

The Battle of Thermopylae and God's Mercy

April 23, 2017

The Battle of Thermopylae has taken on the force of legend. In 480 B.C. Xerxes I, of Persia, attacked the Greek city-states with...Read more

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