It's About Priorities

September 3, 2022

"If we are to follow Him we must free ourselves of anything that prevents us from giving ourselves to Him completely. "


The homes of the Amish community do not have telephones or televisions and even electricity is relegated to the barn but not the house. Many people see this lifestyle as harsh and primitive, but that is because we do not understand why the Amish choose to live this way.

An Amish bishop explained in an interview. He suggested that most technology has a negative effect on people's lives. Television, for example, brings violence and poor ethical values into the home. Few of us would argue with this.

“Telephones intrude into the most precious moments of life.” said the bishop. “You may be talking to your children or sharing something important with your wife; if the phone rings, you will allow it to interrupt what you’re saying. The family can be at prayer, and if the phone rings you will stop and answer it. You could be with your wife in bed, and you will allow the ringing telephone to interrupt what you are doing there!”

How many times have you had a conversation interrupted by a cell phone? 

With electricity people stay up late instead of going to bed. Radios and television bring the outside world into the home distracting people from focusing on their community.

Even the tractor is seen as an intrusion into the solidarity of the family. With a tractor, one man can plow an entire field alone. But with a horse drawn plow, the entire family must be involved.

The Amish have given a great deal of thought to the issue of modern technology and the convenience it brings. Can we say the same? We may not agree with their decisions but we can certainly learn from them the value of priorities and how modern technology can work for us rather than enslaving us.

It is about priorities.

Jesus tells us that whoever does not hate father and mother cannot be His disciple. A fuller understanding of His words could be translated “whoever does not love his father and mother less than God...”.

Jesus is speaking about priorities. If we are to follow Him we must free ourselves of anything that prevents us from giving ourselves to Him completely. That may include wealth, material goods, and even the relationships of friends and family.

As the incarnation of God Jesus demands the same undivided love that was given God in the Old Covenant, with all our heart, soul and strength.

Jesus challenges us to follow His example. He gave up everything, His friends, His family, even His mother. He had no place to lay His head. Jesus considered His life as nothing and He will carry His own cross.

But we are promised if we give up everything for His sake and the sake of the Gospel, we will receive, along with persecutions, a hundred times more in “houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands,” now in this present age and eternal life in the age to come. (Mk 10:30)


Pax Vobiscum

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