A Message from our School Principal...

January 30, 2016

Our parish school is back in session, marking our 55th year since its construction!  The school is one of our parish’s largest ministries, serving 275 students and reaching 156 families.  Our school families actually hail from 34 zip codes!  It has been a joy the past 6 years, being a part of this great school community and seeing it grow from 115 students to 275 students in preschool through eighth grade, with one class having a wait-list and the kindergarten readiness class having only 3 spots left.  The enrollment increase has prompted new staff hires, such as additional instructional aides, and lead to several instructional and campus improvements.  

The 2015 - 2016 academic year has already seen many campus updates such as significant roof repairs, fixing the asphalt on the school parking lot, and interior gym painting as well as a new center court logo! I am especially pleased to announce that PBVM is offering cutting-edge instructional methods, including educational technology devices that will prepare our students for the 21st century.  

PBVM faculty are committed to forming our young people to be responsible digital citizens who are shaped by their Catholic conscience and the virtue of prudence.  As technology is ever changing and accessibility rapidly increasing, it is imperative to teach our students how to use technology properly, safely, and wisely by creating appropriate boundaries and safeguards.  In addition, our students learn there is a time to use technological devices and there is a time to set them aside.  For the last 3 years our teachers have utilized iPads to assist in their instruction and classrooms have had large LED flat screens with Apple TVs installed.  This year I am proud to announce the implementation of 1:1 educational instruction, starting with our eighth grade students who have received an iPad for their school use.  Another classroom set of iPads are shared between the sixth and seventh grades.  In addition, iPads can be signed out for our kindergarten through fifth grade students to use for educational centers.  These additions are better preparing our students for the local high schools which utilize iPads in daily classroom activities.

I’d like to personally thank all our parishioners who financially and/or spiritually support our school through buying scrip, attending events, and keeping us in your prayers.  By supporting PBVM School you are participating in such a great mission in the Church - Catholic Education!  The salvation of souls is priceless, so I thank you!  

Mark your calendars for:

  • March 5 | Crab Feed
  • April 23 | Ladies Luncheon
  • May 27 | 8th Grade Graduation
  • October 10 | PBVM Harvest Festival - This year’s theme: Oktoberfest
  • November 19 | PBVM Endowment Dinner - we especially invite parishioners and alumni!

PBVM School is always in need of various volunteers, especially a school nurse!  If you are interested, stop by during office hours or email pdhamrait@presentationschool.net.  We invite any prospective families to set up an interview and tour of our school - it is not too late to enroll!  Please call 916-482-0351.

Know of my prayers for our PBVM Parish and School Community!

In Jesus and Mary,

Sr. Maria Rose, O.P. PBVM Principal


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