We Are An Easter People

March 27, 2016

“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song.” Pope John Paul II

What does it mean to be an Easter people? 

Easter is the celebration of the risen Lord, it is also called Resurrection Sunday. It is the day the Lord walked free from His tomb and fulfilled all prophecy. 

The grace we receive from the Easter event of the resurrection allows us to walk free without fear. We walk away from the tomb of sin that encloses each of us, free from the fear of death. That tomb is a reality of the past. As disciples of Jesus we have been given the means to roll back the stones that seal us in the tomb. 

As Christians, as an Easter people, we are called to be a light to the world, the liberating voice of Christ. We reach out to our brothers and sisters, and help free them from their tombs as well.
Now all promise is fulfilled.  We anticipate the day when we too will appear with Him in Glory. Whatever may befall us in this world, and however great the suffering, we are an Easter people.

Alleluia, all hail to Him Who Is. All praise and honor and glory to the Lamb who was slain. He is risen. He lives. And we are born into a new world. The apostles bear witness to a new reality, we shall not die, we shall live.

Glory to God in the highest.

Pax Vobiscum

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