UNBOUND: Deliverance. Freedom. Belonging.

UNBOUND: Deliverance. Freedom. Belonging.


Despite your best efforts, do you struggle with the same sin time and time again, leaving you hopeless in your search for freedom?


Do you wonder about receiving the freedom CHRIST has to offer?


Unbound, A Practical Guide to Deliverance, is the name of the book written by fellow Catholic, Neal Lozano.


UNBOUND is also the name given by Neal Lozano to a model of deliverance prayer to help bring the freedom of CHRIST to His people which has been used within the Catholic Church throughout the world and has been approved for the Hands of Grace Ministry to use in the Sacramento Diocese.

Hands of Grace, a local diocesan healing and deliverance ministry, is now offering Presentation parishioners the opportunity to receive Unbound prayer.

If you are interested in more information or about how to make an appointment to receive Unbound prayer, email: unboundministryscd@gmail.com