Register for Our Parish

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ImageWhy Register?

1. Registration allows other parishioners and the pastor to get to know you better!

2. Registering allows us to keep in touch with you and you with us. You will be enrolled in Flocknote for e-mails on any changes and upcoming events!

3. Pastoral care (baptisms, anoiting of the sick, funerals, weddings,etc.) and so much more.


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       What we do as Catholics:

  • We participate at Mass on Sundays, as well as Holy Days of Obligation.
  • We go to Confession at least once a year.
  • We receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter season.
  • We join in abstaining and fasting during Lent.
  • We provide for the support of the Church through Time, Talent, and Treasure.