Tuesday, November 23rd to Wednesday, December 1st
A Novena to Three American Saints for Life
Saints Elizabeth Seton, Frances Cabrini and John Neumann are powerful witnesses to the Gospel of life, each in their own time. This novena suggests three days of prayer to each of the Saints for the promotion of Life in our country and our Church today.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saint Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton, a prominent New York aristocrat, had five children with her husband, William, a shipping merchant. Before she turned 30, the Setons went bankrupt and William died. Within five years of his death, Elizabeth had converted to Catholicism, formed New York city’s first charity (the Society for the Relief of Poor Widows with Small Children), established the first Catholic school and founded the first religious community of women in the United States of America.
Day One
Saint Elizabeth Seton,
you knew the beauty of all human life
when you carried a child in your womb
and when, as a young widow,
a teacher, and founder of the Sisters of Charity,
you sought to live the Gospel of Life.
Inspire us, intercede for us, and be with us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You know the sacrament of Holy Matrimony;
Teach us to support all families with faith and truth.
You know the love of a good spouse;
Intercede for all newly married couples.
You know the stirring of the child in your womb;
Intercede for every unborn child.
You know the miracle of giving birth;
Pray for mothers tempted by abortion.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Day Two
Saint Elizabeth Seton,
you knew the beauty of all human life when you carried a child in your womb and when, as a young widow, a teacher, and founder of the Sisters of Charity, you sought to live the Gospel of Life.
Inspire us, intercede for us, and be with us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You know the cry of a little child; Inspire us to protect the littlest and most vulnerable.
You know the searching of the adolescent; Open our eyes to the wonder of their lives.
You know the journey of the dying; Be with us as we journey toward death with those whom we love.
You know the pain of the widow; Inspire us to seek out those who are most in need.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Day Three
Saint Elizabeth Seton,
you knew the beauty of all human life
when you carried a child in your womb
and when, as a young widow,
a teacher, and founder of the Sisters of Charity,
you sought to live the Gospel of Life.
Inspire us, intercede for us, and be with us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You know the loneliness of the orphan;
Consecrate us to the protection of children.
You know of the vocation of the teacher;
Inspire us to teach the Gospel of Life.
You know the vows of religious life;
Pray that we might be faithful to the Gospel of Life.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Saint John Neumann
Saint John Nepimucene Neumann came to the United States as one of 36 priests to serve the 200,000 Catholics of New York and New Jersey in 1836. As a priest in Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore, and as Bishop of Philadelphia, he was tireless in his love for the people of the United States. He died in 1860, while on his way to mail a chalice to a missionary priest.
Day Four
Saint John Neumann,
as a loyal son, a faithful priest, and a tireless Bishop,
you worked to support and defend life in all its wonder.
Intercede for the Church you loved with all your heart
that we may be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Faithful son of faithful parents;
Teach us to honor our parents when they grow old.
Immigrant and stranger;
Inspire us to welcome the rejected of the world.
Protector of the young;
Inspire us to work for the safety of all children.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Day Five
Saint John Neumann,
as a loyal son, a faithful priest, and a tireless Bishop,
you worked to support and defend life in all its wonder.
Intercede for the Church you loved with all your heart
that we may be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Missionary to America;
Pray for the leaders of our country.
Tireless servant of the cross;
Make our hearts to love Christ suffering in those who have grown very old.
Model of self-sacrifice;
Help us not to count the cost in proclaiming the Gospel of Life.
Faithful unto death;
Guide unwed fathers, that they may be true to the Faith.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory to the Father…
Day Six
Saint John Neumann,
as a loyal son, a faithful priest, and a tireless Bishop,
you worked to support and defend life in all its wonder.
Intercede for the Church you loved with all your heart
that we may be faithful witnesses to the Gospel of Life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Preacher of the truth;
Teach our nation to protect the lives of all its citizens.
Friend of the sick;
Inspire doctors to cherish the lives of all.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
Frances Cabrini was born in a little village in Lombardy in 1850, so fragile at birth that she was brought immediately to Church to be baptized. While from her youth she dreamed only of being a missionary, she was three times rejected when applying to a convent. Yet in her years of religious life she founded an order, 70 orphanages, schools and hospitals, scattered over eight countries in Europe North, South, and Central America.
Day Seven
Saint Frances Cabrini,
In every corner of hemisphere
you sought out those whom everyone had forgotten.
Mother of immigrants, friend of orphans, protector of the poor,
intercede for us who seek to follow your example.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mother of immigrants;
Give us a love for the lives of all who are rejected or forgotten.
Mother of the oppressed;
Inspire us to work for justice and the protection of all life.
Mother of the lost;
Inspire us to seek out all whose lives are forgotten.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Day Eight
Saint Frances Cabrini,
In every corner of hemisphere
you sought out those whom everyone had forgotten.
Mother of immigrants, friend of orphans, protector of the poor,
intercede for us who seek to follow your example.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mother of the aged;
Be with those who are forgotten and alone.
Mother of the oppressed;
Pray for all who are condemned to die.
Mother of the sick;
Pray for those tempted to forget the infinite value of life.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
Day Nine
Saint Frances Cabrini,
In every corner of hemisphere
you sought out those whom everyone had forgotten.
Mother of immigrants, friend of orphans, protector of the poor,
intercede for us who seek to follow your example.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Mother of those who care for the sick;
Inspire doctors to be apostles for life.
Mother of the homeless;
Teach us that all life comes from God and rests only in him.
Mother of little children;
Be with the child who is alone or afraid.
Our Father …
Hail Mary …
Glory to the Father …
---USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities